venerdì 14 marzo 2014

in Tandem a Tunisi!

Dal 26 al 30 marzo 2014 Cherimus sarà a Tunisi per il secondo round del programma Tandem / Shaml  per lo scambio culturale fra Europa e Paesi Arabo-Mediterranei. Tandem / Shaml offre a otto organizzazioni culturali di tutta Europa l'opportunità di instaurare  una cooperazione di lungo termine  con organizzazioni partner di paesi arabi intorno al Mediterraneo.
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From March 26 to 30, 2014, the second round of Tandem / Shaml  programme for cultural exchange between Europe and the Arab-Mediterranean region started in partnership with Al Mawred Al Thaqafy – Culture Resource (Cairo) and Anadolu Kültür (Istanbul). Tandem / Shaml offers eight cultural organisations based in European countries a unique opportunity to establish long-term cooperation links with partner organisations from the Arab countries across the Mediterranean.
Organisations participating in the Partner Forum in Tunis (March 26-30, 2014)
From the Arab Region

From Europe:

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